There are many depression medicines that cause weight loss because they affect the way the brain works. These are known as antidepressants and they have been found to be particularly effective in patients who are suffering from depression and who have difficulties controlling their appetites. When you take these medicines, your body produces chemicals called serotonin, which acts on the brain and reduces feelings of anxiety and leads to feelings of well being.

Serotonin is produced by the brain and controls both appetite and metabolism. There are certain types of this chemical, which are responsible for mood disorders such as depression. It is also produced by the brain during times of stress or periods of physical or mental fatigue. The levels of serotonin in the brain fall during such times and they determine your mood.
Antidepressants act by altering how the brain reacts to certain events. For instance, a person taking an antidepressant drug called paroxetine will notice that they feel less anxious and have less appetite. Because the levels of serotonin are raised, the brain can no longer send signals telling the stomach to reduce the amount of food in the mouth. This is one example of how depression medicines that cause weight loss work.
Certain other antidepressants act by creating extra energy in the body. By making you feel more energetic, you will have more energy to do exercises and make other lifestyle changes which will lead to weight loss. Examples of these drugs include trazodone drugs and bupropion drugs. People who are depressed may also use anti-cholinergic drugs to help them cope with the symptoms of depression.
Some antidepressants have a few side effects. However, most of them are very mild and there are very few people who experience any serious side effects. Some antidepressants can also slow the metabolism and this can affect your body's ability to lose and put on weight. Some antidepressants can change the way the brain reacts to negative events and this can affect the way you feel.
There are other classes of depression medicines that cause weight loss. These include SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. This class includes some common antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft. You may also find an anti-seizure medication like Venapro.
Finally, there are anti-psychotic drugs which can affect your mood. They are mainly used in cases where the cause of depression cannot be correctly diagnosed. However, this class of drugs can cause serious side effects including hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. They should only be prescribed under careful medical supervision.
So, you now know what depression medicines that cause weight loss can do for you. It is important to consult with your doctor so you can find out which treatment will work best for you. If you think you have an eating disorder, it is important that you seek medical help. Only then can you begin a recovery process that will rid your body of the disease.
The most important thing to remember when you have this condition is to remain concentrated on the present. This will prevent you from obsessing about your weight loss efforts. Focus on things like your physical appearance and how you feel about yourself. Staying positive is very important because you need to remind yourself that life is temporary.
If you are prescribed depression medicines that cause weight loss, then don't simply give up hope. While these drugs will help you get through the tough times, you need to be careful. Don't make this the excuse that you are going to be overweight forever because chances are that once you stop taking the medicine, you will regain the weight that you lost. Make sure you take it as a reminder to live life. Find hobbies and activities that you find fulfilling and take part in them so that you remain happy and motivated.
If you are determined to lose weight and regain your confidence, then don't let depression stop you. There are other options like diet pills and exercise. These will not have any effect if you choose to do them alone because they are intended for more serious medical conditions, but they can certainly help you to feel better and to eliminate your dependence on medications.
It is also a good idea to talk to your doctor about depression medicines that cause weight loss because sometimes they are the best choice for certain individuals. You might have been able to avoid taking the medication all together if you had talked to your doctor beforehand. Your doctor knows your history and can steer you in the right direction. Remember to do some research ahead of time so you will know exactly what you are going to take and when.
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