Depression medicines that cause weight loss can be found easily if you know where to look. You might be suffering from depression if you've tried all the conventional treatments and still have not seen the result you were hoping for. But you can find the right medication for your needs if you know what to look for.

It is a well-known fact that some antidepressants can cause weight loss in some people. Antidepressants are often used to treat depression. Some of these drugs are tricyclics (Tofranil) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Most people take one or more of these drugs to treat their depression. So it's not surprising that they can cause weight loss with certain drugs.
However, these drugs cannot work alone. They must be taken in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and mental activity. If you're taking an MAOI and taking an antidepressant, you will need to talk to your doctor about possible side effects of the drugs. The combination of both will likely result in the most effective treatment.
Weight loss is sometimes a side effect of an MAOI. It also may lead to dangerous side effects like tardive dyskinesia, which is involuntary muscle spasms. Tardive dyskinesia can lead to death.
You may want to consider seeing your doctor if your depression continues or seems to get worse. If you feel that your weight is going up, talk to your doctor about ways to control it. You may have an underlying medical problem that is causing the weight gain. If so, then your doctor can help you find the best treatment.
Other depression medicines that cause weight loss include cyclosporine, omeprazole, and other anti-depressants. Some research suggests that estrogen may have an effect on fat absorption. Estrogen is one of the substances that women are particularly sensitive to. Women who are taking estrogen therapy are more likely to be obese when they are finished menopause.
Always discuss any new medicine or supplement with your doctor. Make sure you understand how it will affect your current medications. Ask your doctor if there are side effects you should be aware of. Some medicines may have interactions that you don't know about. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. He or she will be able to recommend the best alternative treatments.
Weight gain is typically temporary. When your body returns to normal levels of activity, the weight usually comes off within a few weeks. If you have more severe depression, or if the depression is chronic, weight loss can lead to serious health problems. Your doctor may recommend that you eat healthier to combat depression and to stay in good health. It's a good idea to ask your doctor how an herbal remedy may help your weight loss efforts.
Ask your doctor about alternative treatments such as massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, meditation or other stress relief techniques. Sometimes people respond well to such alternate therapies. Be sure to research them thoroughly before deciding which one is right for you. Your doctor can give you information and recommendations, but you must do your own research.
There are other depression medicines that cause weight loss that you should know about. Acupuncture and chiropractic care can cause significant weight loss if used correctly. The main problem is that most people don't seek the help of a professional when suffering from depression. This can lead to serious consequences, including health problems. Be sure to seek the advice of a trusted friend or loved one before trying any new treatments. It might work for you, but first consult your doctor.
Medications containing anti-depressants can also cause weight loss. These types of drugs have many different side effects and may even be dangerous to your health. Some have been found to cause sexual problems in men and increased risk of blood clots in women. Others may cause changes in blood sugar levels which can lead to diabetes. If you are taking medication for depression, please speak with your doctor before starting a weight loss program.
The best depression medicines that cause weight loss are those that don't have any side effects at all. St. John's Wort can be very effective for mild to moderate depression and should be taken at night as usual. Otherwise, you may want to consider a natural supplement that contains ingredients proven to boost metabolism and help burn fat. It has been found to be safe and effective for people of all ages. No matter what kind of depression you suffer from, losing some of the extra weight is an important step towards feeling better.
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