When it comes to depression, the treatment is not limited to counseling and antidepressants. There are many other forms of therapy that are equally effective in treating depression and weight loss simultaneously. However, you should be sure that you are consulting a qualified professional for any of these treatments so as to avoid complications. The use of appetite suppressants like Hoodia Gordonii is one of the most popular forms of therapy used to treat this condition. While it may help you to lose weight, there are some side effects that you should be aware of before embarking on using it.

As an alternative to antidepressants, Hoodia Gordonii is also used for the treatment of obesity. In obese people, most of their energy is spent on digestion and metabolism rather than usage for physical activities. By using Hoodia Gordonii, you can suppress your appetite and thus control your weight loss. It has been found out that Hoodia Gordonii when taken before meals can actually suppress your appetite for up to 12 hours. Hence, it is effective in helping people to control their weight loss efforts as well as prevent further weight gain.
Apart from its weight-loss properties, it has been found out that Hoodia Gordonii is also very effective in reducing anxiety and depression. This is because it is a natural herb that has few side effects. You can either make use of it as a tea or capsules.
Another form of depression medicines that cause weight loss is Fluoxetine. This antidepressant drug acts in the same way that Prozac does to a patient suffering from depression. However, it is believed that this drug may not be as effective as the former since it is a generic name product. However, studies have revealed that when given to patients in the proper dosage, it has shown great improvements in patients with mild depression. It has been found to be efficient in restoring mental balance.
Another anti depression drug that acts on the central nervous system like Prozac and fluoxetine is tricyclics. These are known to have various side effects. Some of the common side effects include dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, blurring of vision, increased heart rate, and even sexual dysfunction. Some people may experience hyperactivity.
Other prescription drugs for depression and/or weight loss include SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. These are known to affect serotonin in the brain. Some of the known side effects include nausea, constipation, and sleep problems. Moreover, these drugs are also known to cause depression as they alter the brain chemistry. They also increase the risk of developing cardiac problems, high blood pressure, and stroke. Hence, one should always consult a physician before taking them.
Finally, Prozac and Zoloft are two other serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors. These medicines are also known to affect norepinephrine. They are known to cause sweating, excitement, and aggression. As a result, these medicines should be avoided by those who suffer from panic disorders.
The above mentioned are just some of the depression medicines that cause weight loss. Once you understand the mechanism underlying these medications, you would be able to figure out if they are suitable for you. Moreover, it would not be so hard to find a suitable alternative treatment for your condition. Thus, it is advisable to find the most effective treatment for your illness before resorting to medications.
Apart from these medications that cause weight loss, you could also take antidepressants as an alternative treatment for your depression. However, make sure that you check with your doctor before starting to take any kind of supplement or medication. This is because some antidepressants are known to change your internal system, and thus may lead to severe illnesses. Therefore, talk to your doctor about this issue.
You could also try herbal treatments. Some herbs are known to have the effect of antidepressants. So, these days there are a lot of products available in the market, which claim to treat depression effectively.
You should remember that you need to maintain a healthy diet if you want to reduce the weight. While some people think that dieting alone can be enough to tackle depression, it is actually not true. Your overall health and fitness level are still very important. In fact, a depressed person would do well to improve his lifestyle. A healthy and fit body will also help in boosting your self-confidence and reducing your tendency to overeat.
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