It seems like finding a treatment for depression can be a never-ending process. You could be taking one drug after another, trying to find something that will help you with your symptoms and nothing seems to work. It's frustrating because no medication makes any sort of sense when it comes to treating depression. The drugs just don't seem to do anything.

I used to take antidepressants for my depression. When I talked to the doctor about the medications he told me that I was "low energy" and that I shouldn't really be taking them. These things make perfect sense when you think about it. The cause of depression is an imbalance of brain chemicals and when you are taking drugs that affect these chemicals you are only masking the problem. They are not curing it.
Another myth about depression drugs is that they cause weight loss. There is a link between depression and weight loss in both women and men. The reason for this is that a depressed person tends to not eat as much. This can lead to weight problems since they are using up more calories than they are taking in.
You can take some weight loss drugs that can help you lose weight. But I wouldn't start doing this right away. A healthy diet and exercise program should be used first. A lot of times people try to treat their weight loss through drugs which just do more harm than good.
Some of the common drugs that cause weight loss are Orlistat, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and Celexa. These are the most commonly prescribed drugs for depression and come in many different forms. They all have their own side effects, so it is a good idea to talk to your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough to take these drugs. You may also want to check with your pharmacist as well to see if they carry any drugs for depression that you may want to try.
St. John's Wort is often recommended as a natural alternative to those with depression. This herb works to lower the amount of testosterone in the body. Some of the side effects of the drugs mentioned above include an increase in appetite and sexual urges. Because of this the diet supplement St. John's wort is gaining in popularity.
There are some other prescription drugs that can cause weight loss if taken too often. They include insulin like insulin reactivity, Phentermine and Prozac. These are the most commonly prescribed drugs to treat depression and come in several different forms. You will need to talk to your doctor if you plan on taking any of these as your weight loss treatment. They will work best when used along with a proper diet and exercise plan.
Along with using medication to treat your depression there are some very important lifestyle changes that you can make. This includes not being a couch potato and avoiding any type of nicotine or alcohol. Alcohol can be very harmful to your health if you get drunk on a regular basis. Quitting smoking is another life style change. It's important to exercise daily and to keep your weight at a healthy level. Your diet should consist mainly of fresh fruits and vegetables with a small amount of nuts and seeds.
Along with diet and exercise you should also try and keep stress levels to a minimum. Depression can make you feel depressed and anxious, which will negatively affect your ability to achieve your weight loss goals. Meditation can be very helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. Hypnosis is another option that many people use to help them reach their goals.
The most important thing to remember when considering any type of medication or treatment for depression is to discuss it with your doctor. They will be able to guide you through the various options that are available. Along with this they will be able to prescribe medicines and diet plans that will work best for you. Some of these may need to be altered to meet your needs. Discussing these options with your doctor is only key to getting the most benefit from these medicines and treatments.
Remember that depression does not have to rule your life. There are options such as diet pills and exercise that you can use in order to reach your goals. By keeping an eye on your diet and developing a positive attitude, you can get back into shape and reach your weight loss goals. Be patient and keep at it and soon you will be excited to see your new figure!
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